Data View

When you create or open a data table, the Data view is displayed by default. You can display it at any time by clicking the Data View tab at the bottom of the Data Builder window when either the Home or Fields tab is selected.

This view includes the following components, which you can use to create and manage the table data, fields, and field properties.

ClosedTables Pane

The Tables pane lists all the data tables and phrase libraries in the database. Click a data table to view its fields in the fields pane. To add or remove a data table, click Add or Remove on the Home tab.

When you right-click an existing item in the Tables pane, the following options are available:

ClosedData Pane

The data pane displays the records of the selected table. To add a field, click Click to Add, and then click the data type that you want for the field.

When you click a cell in the Click to Add column, enter data, and then press Enter, Data Builder automatically tries to determine the data type for the field based on your input. For example, when you enter only numbers, Data Builder creates a field that has a Numeric data type.

To add table data or edit existing table data, click the table cell that you want, and then add the new content. You can edit the properties for a field by selecting the field that you want and then modifying the property on the Fields tab.

When you right-click an existing field name, the following options are available:

ClosedRecord Navigator

Use the record navigator bar at the bottom of the pane to quickly browse through and locate records in the selected table.