Defining Cache Options

If you lose the database connection for any reason, the BarTender System Service can cache the print job data until the connection is restored. While this option can minimize data loss if the database connection is disconnected and not immediately restored, the cached data can use a large amount of memory or even fill your hard-drive. This is likely in large production environments, or when you are unaware that you have lost your database connection for a significant amount of time.

To prevent the BarTender System Service from using all of the available disk space on the computer for caching purposes, you can reserve a minimum amount of disk space that cannot be used for caching. When the file cache reaches the defined reserve minimum, caching stops and the BarTender System Service sends an error message to the event log stating the available disk space limitations and warning that future print data will be lost.

ClosedTo enable caching

  1. In Administration Console's left navigation pane, click System Database to open the System Database page.

  2. In the Cache Options section of the page, enable (check) the box next to Cache log to disk if database connection is lost.

  3. Using the up and down arrows of the Stop caching if free disk space is less than control, specify the amount of disk space (in megabytes) that you want to remain free. Alternatively, type the amount into the control.

  4. Click Apply to apply the settings. Alternatively, click OK to apply the settings and close Administration Console.

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