Backing Up and Restoring the Database

You should plan to periodically backup your BarTender System Database to safeguard the database data. Then, in the event that a situation occurs that requires the database to be cleared, you can subsequently restore the data from the most recent backup.

ClosedTo backup the BarTender System Database

  1. In Administration Console's left navigation pane, click System Database and expand the node.

  2. Under System Database, click Administrative Tasks to open the Administrative Tasks page.

  3. Click Backup Database.

  4. If you have changed the System Database configuration, the Save Changes dialog will open. Select Yes to save and continue. Select No to cancel database backup.

  5. After you have saved any changes, the Select Backup File dialog opens in Windows Explorer. Specify the file that you want to save your system database backup to.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click OK to close Administration Console.

ClosedTo restore the BarTender System Database

  1. In Administration Console's left navigation pane, click System Database and expand the node.

  2. Under System Database, click Administrative Tasks to open the Administrative Tasks page.

  3. Click Restore Database.

  4. If you have changed the System Database configuration, the Save Changes dialog will open. Select Yes to save and continue. Select No to cancel database restoration.

  5. After you have saved any changes, the Select Backup File dialog opens in Windows Explorer. Select the backup file you want to restore, and click Open.

  6. Click OK to close Administration Console.

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