Printer Usage Page |
Use the Printer Usage page to monitor printer-related information for all license servers that have at least one license, to monitor printer activity, and to manage printer permissions. This page includes the following tabs.
The Activity tab lists the printer use activity for all the license servers that have at least one license. For each license server, the following options are available:
: Provides options to move the selected server to a different position in the list of servers.
Recent Printer Use Requests: Lists the status and detailed information about the recent printer use requests.
Show failed requests only: Specifies that only the printer use requests that have a "failed" status are displayed.
You can add a printer in Recent Printer Use Requests list to the Blocked group. To do this right-click a printer, and then click Block Printer. To unblock a printer, use the Change Printer Group dialog. |
Printers Used in Last 7 Days: Lists detailed information about the printers that were used in the last seven days. Right-click a printer to access the context menu, which you can use to move a printer to a different group or a new group or to block or unblock the printer, as follows:
Change Printer Group: Opens the Change Printer Group dialog so that you can move the selected printer to an existing printer group or to a new printer group that you create. You also use this dialog to block or unblock a printer.
Block Printer: Adds the selected printer to the Blocked group. This means that the printer's access restriction is fixed at Deny Everyone from Everywhere. To unblock a printer, right-click it, click Change Printer Group to open the Change Printer Group dialog, and then use the dialog's options to move the printer to a different group.
The Permissions tab lists the member printer information and user access control settings for the printer groups for all the license servers that have at least one license and that are running the BarTender Licensing Service. For each license server, the following options are available:
: Provides options to move the selected server to a different position in the list of servers.
New Printer to Printer Group Mapping Rules: Displays the rules that determine which printer group a new printer is assigned to.
Add a new rule: Opens the New Printer to Printer Group Mapping Rule dialog, which you can use to create a new rule. After you do this, the following options are available:
: Moves the selected rule one position up in the list.
: Moves the selected rule one position down in the list.
: Opens the New Printer to Printer Group Mapping Rule dialog, which you can use to edit the selected rule.
: Deletes the selected rule.
Add a new printer group: Adds a new printer group to the list.
The printer groups are listed at the bottom of the Permissions tab. Click a printer group to expand it. The following options are available for each group:
: Provides the following options:
Delete Printer Group: Deletes the selected printer group.
Move to top: Moves the selected printer group to the top of the list.
Move up: Moves the selected printer group one position up in the list.
Move down: Moves the selected printer group one position down in the list.
Move to bottom and collapse: Moves the selected printer group to the bottom of the list and collapses it. You can click the printer group to expand it again.
Name: Specifies the name of the printer group.
Description: Specifies the description of the printer group.
Priority: Specifies the priority of the printer group.
Member Printers: Displays information about the printers that are assigned to the printer group.
Add a member printer: Opens the Printer Information dialog, which you can use to add a new printer to the group.
You can right-click a printer in the Member Printers list. The following options are available:
Add a member printer: Opens the Printer Information dialog, which you can use to add a new printer to the group.
Delete the selected printer: Removes the selected printer from the printer group.
Edit the selected printer: Opens the Printer Information dialog, which you can use to edit the properties of the selected printer.
User Access Control: Displays the user access control rules for the printers in the printer group.
Add a new rule: Opens the Access Control Rule dialog, which you can use to create a new user access control rule for the printer group.
: Opens the Access Control Rule dialog, which you can use to edit the selected user access control rule.
: Deletes the selected user access control rule.