Message History Page

Use the Message History page to view the messages that are related to all of your deployed integrations. To access this page, expand the Integrations node of Administration Console, and then click Message History.

The Message History page consists of the following panes.

ClosedIntegrations Pane

The integrations are listed in the Integrations pane on the left side of the page, identified by the integration file to which they belong. When you select an integration in this pane, the messages that are related to that integration are displayed in the Message History pane.

ClosedMessage History Pane

The Message History pane displays an output table that lists the messages that are related to the currently selected integration in the Integrations pane. Use the scroll bar to view all of the columns in the table.

The Message History pane includes the following options and controls in the toolbar:

You can view or copy a message by using the following methods: 

For information about how to customize the Message History pane, refer to Customizing the Message Output Table.

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