Suppression Dialog |
This option can be particularly helpful for projects in which the data is being read from a data source file that may have some blank fields and you do not want to see blank spaces in the final output. For more information, see the Suppression Example.
The following options are available:
Do not suppress: Specifies that the selected data source is always printed.
Suppress when previous data source is empty: Specifies that the selected data source is not printed when the previous data source in the object contains no data. If no other data source is attached to the object, the object is printed as usual.
Suppress when next data source is empty: Specifies that the selected data source is not printed when the next data source in the object contains no data. If no other data source is attached to the object, the object is printed as usual.
Suppress when specified data source meets condition: Specifies that the selected data source is not printed when another specified data source meets a condition. Use this option in situations where only one condition controls the print status. This option contains the following components:
Data Source: Contains a list of all the data sources and database fields that are available in the document. Named data sources are indicated by the icon, and database fields are indicated by the
icon. If you are using a data source that is within the same object, you can use the
Next Data Source or
Previous Data Source options.
Operator: Contains a list of the available conditional operators. A conditional operator determines the relationship between the data source and the value in a conditional statement. For more information about conditional operators, refer to Conditional Operators Reference.
Value: Specifies that you can enter the conditional value. When you select Is Empty or Is Not Empty in the Operator list, the Value field is hidden.
Suppress when the following expression is true: Specifies that you can configure a conditional expression to determine when the selected data source is printed. This option is ideal for situations that require more than one condition. To specify a conditional joiner (And, Or, Not And, or Not Or), click the existing conditional joiner. To add new conditional statements, click at the right of the conditional joiner. For more information about how to create a conditional expression, refer to Building Conditional Expressions.
Manage Named Data Sources: Opens the Named Data Sources dialog, where you can create, modify, and remove named data sources from your document.
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