
在 Print Portal Swagger UI 中的 AutomatedPrint 標題下,可以檢視用於列印文件的一組必要值。

為了說明 API 列印函數,我們會使用 Swagger UI 來張貼 JSON 資料,其中包含檔案名稱、印表機、列印份數和列印所需的支援資料。


對於第一個列印要求,我們會使用未關聯任何表單資料的文件。Librarian 文件的名稱是 Document1.btw。您可以按照「列舉程式庫」的教學課程步驟來取得程式庫 ID。相對路徑是檔案名稱。如果檔案在子資料夾中,則相對路徑必須包含子資料夾名稱,例如 "Production/Document2.btw",其中 Production 是資料夾的名稱。您也可以簡化列印要求,去除根資料夾元素,然後為檔案定義絕對路徑 (如第一個 JavaScript 範例及下列範例中所說明)。






從上面的查詢中取得可用印表機的清單。為簡單起見,在此範例中我們使用 PDF 印表機。

產生的 JSON 資料描述了檔案、其父根資料夾、印表機和列印份數。







以您的 Librarian ID 取代 "de6940a6-ff73-465b-aaf2-d39504420fa6"。

如果想要直接列印至印表機,請將 PDF 變更為有效且已連線的印表機之一。


對於具有關聯表單資料的文件,例如 TLC39 Laser_53_rf,我們會使用程式庫 ID 要求傳回資料來取得文件和資料夾資料 (請參閱「列舉程式庫」和「列舉程式庫項目」)。我們會透過瀏覽至已安裝的 Print Portal、Templates 資料夾、Telecommunications 子資料夾及其 TLC 39 子資料夾以列印 TLC39 Laser_53_rf 來取得所需的表單資料。選取「列印」會顯示表單需求和表單預設資料,如下所示:

包含表單資料的檔案需要兩次 API 傳遞。您需要提交第一個要求來取得將列出必要 "printRequestID" 的錯誤訊息。初始 TLC39 Laser_53_rf 及其所需的表單資料要求如下所示:



"relativePath":"TLC39 Laser_53_rf.btw",




"Text Input Box 1":"GRINGS00102028974810",

"Text Input Box 2":"663726",

"Text Input Box 3":"C5JAB3H1AA",

"Text Input Box 4":"US"



對於上述內容,以您的 Librarian ID 取代 "de6940a6-ff73-465b-aaf2-d39504420fa6"。

回應將是包含必要 "printRequestID" 的錯誤。複製 "printRequestID" 並將其新增至您的 JSON 資料中。最終產生的 JSON 物件 (包括 "printRequestID") 將如下所示:



"relativePath":"TLC39 Laser_53_rf.btw",





"Text Input Box 1":"GRINGS00102028974810",

"Text Input Box 2":"663726",

"Text Input Box 3":"C5JAB3H1AA",

"Text Input Box 4":"US"



以您的 Librarian ID 取代 "de6940a6-ff73-465b-aaf2-d39504420fa6"。

以您的 "printRequestID" 取代 "printRequestID"。

提交上述內容會產生含有 PDF 路徑的回應。

關閉JavaScript 範例:列印具有最少資料的簡易文件

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This example demonstrates how to print a file with no data entry form using as little data as 
possible such as the absolute path where the file is located,
the printer used (in this case is a PDF printer) and the number of copies

// Change this to the URL, library ID, and document path that you want to print
let basePrintPortalURL = "https://example.com/Bartender/";

fetch(basePrintPortalURL + 'print', {
  method: 'post',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    // If authentication is enabled the header requires "'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token" to be used
  body: JSON.stringify({
            "AbsolutePath": "c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\BarTender\\Templates\\Document1.btw",
            "Printer": "PDF",
            "Copies": 2
.then(response => response.json())
.then(result => {

   // If successful, the pdf file path is displayed

  // The printRequestID is used to continue the print job in case of a fail request

  // If not successful, an error message will be displayed stating the reason why. 

  // Displays the status code of the error message

.catch(error => {
    //The error message 'Failed to fetch' will be displayed in case there is an issue with the request
      console.error('There has been a problem with your fetch operation: ', error.message);

關閉JavaScript 範例:列印具有單一資料輸入表單的文件

Printing a file with a single data entry form and PDF printer */

// Change these to the URL, library ID, and document path that you want to print
let basePrintPortalURL = "https://example.com/Bartender/";
//let token = "token_value_from_authentication_call";

// Process our print job
fetch(basePrintPortalURL + 'print', {
  method: 'post',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    // Make sure we add our authentication header to the print request using the token from previous example
    //'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
  body: JSON.stringify({
            "AbsolutePath": "c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\BarTender\\wwwroot\\Templates\\Telecommunications/TLC 39/TLC39 Laser_53_rf.btw",
            "Printer": "PDF",
            "Copies": 2,
            "SerialNumbers": 4,
            "DataEntryControls": {
                "Text Input Box 4": "US",
                "Text Input Box 3": "C5JAB3H1AA",
                "Text Input Box 2": "663726",
                "Text Input Box 1": "GRINGS00102028974810"  }
.then(response => response.json())
.then(result => {

  // The printRequestID is used to continue the print job in case of a fail request

  // Specify the data entry fields required to print the label

  // If successful, a path of the result pdf lcation should display

  // For physical printers, displays a message "BarTender successfully sent the print job to the spooler."

  // If not successful, an error message will be displayed stating the reason why. 

  // Displays the status code of the error message

.catch(error => {
  console.error('There has been a problem with your fetch operation: ', error.message);

關閉JavaScript 範例:列印具有多重資料輸入表單和驗證的文件

multiple data entry forms and authentication

let basePrintPortalURL = "https://example.com/Bartender/";
let token = "token_value_from_authentication_call";

fetch(basePrintPortalURL + 'print', {
  method: 'post',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
  body: JSON.stringify({
        "LibraryID": "9890beae-db51-4b74-a132-d6430a06a192",
        "Relativepath": "Document1.btw",
        "printer": "PDF",
        "copies": 1,
        "DataEntryControls": {
              "Text Input Box 2": "Seattle, WA",
              "Text Input Box 1": "Jon Smith",
              "Date Picker 1": "2020-07-17 00:00:00Z",
              "Text Input Box 3": "Developer",
              "Text Input Box 5": "35 years",
              "Text Input Box 4": "Microsoft"

.then(response => response.json())
.then(result => {
  // The printRequestID is used to continue the print job in case of a fail request

  // Specify the data entry fields required to print the label

  // If successful, a path of the result pdf lcation should display
  // For physical printers, displays a message "BarTender successfully sent the print job to the spooler."

  //If not successful, an error message will be displayed stating the reason why. 

  //Displays the status code of the error message

.catch(error => {
  console.error('There has been a problem with your fetch operation: ', error.message);

關閉JavaScript 範例:透過指定相對路徑和程式庫 ID 列印文件

Printing a file specifying the root folder ID and relative path
This document has no data entry form */

let basePrintPortalURL = "https://example.com/Bartender/";
let token = "token_value_from_authentication_call";

fetch(basePrintPortalURL + 'print', {
  method: 'post',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
  body: JSON.stringify({
              "LibraryID": "9890beae-db51-4b74-a132-d6430a06a192",
              "Relativepath": "Document1.btw",
              "Printer": "Zebra GX430d - ZPL",
              "Copies": 2,
.then(response => response.json())
.then(result => {

  // The printRequestID is used to continue the print job in case of a fail request

  // Specify the data entry fields required to print the label
 // For physical printers, displays a message "BarTender successfully sent the print job to the spooler."

 // If not successful, an error message will be displayed, ""

 // Displays the status code of the error message
.catch(error => {
  console.error('There has been a problem with your fetch operation: ', error.message);