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Insert Symbols or Special Characters Dialog |
To access the Script Editor's Insert Symbols or Special Characters dialog, click Advanced from the Edit menu and then click Insert Symbol.
Using the Insert Symbols or Special Characters dialog, you can insert characters and symbols from a variety of fonts into your Visual Basic script.
The following options are available:
Font: Specifies the font family from which to select characters.
Subset: Specifies the subset of characters from the selected font family that is displayed in the dialog.
Unicode: Displays the Unicode value for the selected character, which is a unique number used to encode the character in XML, HTML, and many other scripting languages. To locate a symbol by its Unicode value, simply enter the corresponding Unicode value into this field.
Recently Used Characters: Displays a list of previously-selected characters.
Size: Determines the size of the symbols as they appear in the Insert Symbols or Special Characters dialog.