Print Settings Property Page

The Print Settings property page allows you to specify print options for users, as well as the client print technology and client printing compatible printer models.

Access the Print Settings property page by clicking Print Settings in the left navigation pane of the Administrative Setup page.

The following settings are available on the page:

Print Settings

Client Print Technology

Print Portal supports two client print technologies to enable printing to a printer installed on the client machine, rather than to a printer connected to the web server host machine.

You can enable one or both of the options. If the compatible option is not enabled, an error message will inform the user of the problem and printing will be unavailable until an appropriate option is enabled. If both options are enabled, the Web Print Service is installed by default for clients with the Windows OS.

Client Printing Compatible Models

The Client Printing Compatible Models list allows you to define default compatible matches between client printers and web server printer models (or print drivers). If you have many printers connected to your web server, providing a default match can help prevent users from selecting a less compatible or even incompatible web server printer model when they are configuring their client printers.

The Client Printing Compatible Models list displays the compatible matches that you have specified. Each match is defined by either a Wildcard or Regex filter criteria. Use the toolbar below the list to manage your client printing compatible models. The following options are available:

Opens the Add a Client Printing Compatible Model Definition dialog.

Deletes the selected compatible printer match from the list.

Moves the selected compatible printer match up one position in the list.

Moves the selected compatible printer match down one position in the list.

The order in which the compatible model definitions are specified in the list determines the order in which the New Printer wizard evaluates them to identify a match for the client printer that you are configuring.