Print Preview

Print Preview allows you to view your print job exactly as it will appear on the printed item(s), including any data pulled from connected databases or entered from query prompts or data entry forms. It is accessible from the Print Document dialog when the Document print preview option is enabled on the Security property page.

When your print job contains more than one printed item, the first item in the series is displayed in the preview, with thumbnails of the additional items appearing beneath it. Click a thumbnail to view that item in the preview, or use the Page dropdown list at the bottom-left of the Print Preview window to select which item to view.

If you are satisfied with the print preview, click the Print button. Click Cancel to close Print Preview without printing.

If your document uses query prompts and/or data entry forms, the appropriate prompts and forms will open after you click the Print Preview button. Enter the required data for each query prompt and data entry form, clicking the Print Preview button on each to continue.