Customizing Folder Icons

Print Portal supports custom icons for your root folders, as well as for any sub-folders within those root folders. This allows you to represent each document folder available in the Print Portal user interface with a unique image of your choice. Supported image types include *.gif, *.jpg, and *.png files. Because custom icons allow you to easily identify folders at a glance, they are ideal for touch screen environments.

ClosedTo add a custom icon to a folder

  1. In Windows Explorer, copy the desired image into the folder that the image will represent.

  2. Right-click on the image file and select Rename from the context menu.

  3. Rename the image to be identical to the name of the folder that it will represent. For example, if your folder is named "Medical," you would need to rename a *.gif image to "Medical.gif."

  4. Open Print Portal's Administrative Setup page.

  5. Select the General property page.

  6. If it is not already enabled, enable Show folder navigator.

  7. If it is not already enabled, enable Show folder icons in navigator.

  8. Click OK to save your changes and close Administrative Setup.

  9. Refresh the Print Portal page to view the new folder icon.