Code 39 Translation

The Code 39 - Full ASCII symbol contains the same 43 character set as the Code 39 - Regular symbol, but further uses special two-character combinations from the 43 character set to allow for representation of all 128 ASCII characters. For instance, the two-character combination of "/A" represents the exclamation mark "!". When BarTender prints the characters for your Code 39 - Full ASCII , it automatically converts the two-character combination into the single delimited character that it represents.

The Code 39 Translation option on the Human Readable property page enables you to disable this conversion. For example, when the Code 39 Translation option is checked (enabled), the two-character combination of "%J" is displayed as a question mark "?". When the Code 39 Translation option is unchecked (disabled), the two-character combination of "%J" is not converted and is simply displayed as "%J".

Supported Symbologies

This option is available for the following :