Row Height

Two-dimensional (2-D) symbologies consist of two or more rows of data. The height of each of the rows is measured as a multiple of the X dimension (the width of the narrowest bars in the printed symbol). For example, a row height of 3X would be equal to a height that is three times the X dimension.

Use the Row Height option to set the height for the rows of your 2-D symbol, as follows.


The CODABLOCK F symbology supports a row height that is equal to a multiple of the X dimension. The default row height is 10X. The range of valid values is 1X to 40X.

ClosedCode 16K

The Code 16K symbology supports a row height that is equal to a multiple of the X dimension. The default row height is 10X. The range of valid values is 1X to 20X.

ClosedCode 49

The Code 49 symbology supports a row height that is equal to a multiple of the X dimension. The default row height is 10X. The range of valid values is 1X to 20X.

ClosedGS1 Composite

For composite symbologies, you can set the row height of the 2-D component (the upper symbol) by using the 2D Row Height option. You can set the height of the bottom symbol by using the 1D Row Height option.

For the GS1 DataBar symbologies, you can configure the 1D Row Height option when Hold to GS1 Specifications is not selected. The exception is GS1 DataBar Stacked, for which the 1D Row Height option is not editable.

ClosedGS1 DataBar

For GS1 DataBar, you can use the 1D Row Height option to set the height of the barcode. The default height for a GS1 DataBar symbol is 0.5 inches.

The exception is the GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional type, for which the 1D Row Height option represents the height of each stacked component of the symbol, rather than the height of the entire symbol.

For the GS1 DataBar symbologies, you can configure the 1D Row Height option when Hold to GS1 Specifications is not selected. The exception is GS1 DataBar Stacked, for which the 1D Row Height option is not editable.


The MicroPDF417 symbology supports a row height that is equal to a multiple of the X dimension. The default row height is 2X. The range of valid values is 1X to 10X.


The PDF417 symbology supports a row height that is equal to a multiple of the X dimension. The default row height is 3X. The range of valid values is 1X to 10X.

If you are using a correction level of no less than the minimum that is recommended in the PDF417 symbol specification standards for the amount of data to be encoded, or if you are using the "Auto" correction level, then the default row height of 3X is adequate. However, if you are manually specifying a correction level of less than what is recommended for the amount of data to be encoded, we recommend that you increase the row height of your PDF417 symbol.

Supported Symbologies

This option is available for the following symbologies: