Check Digit Type

The check digit type specifies which algorithm BarTender uses to calculate the appended check digit for the symbol. Use the Check Digit Type option to select a check digit type from those that are supported by your symbol.

Code 39

You can set the check digit type for Code 39 - Full ASCII, Code 39 - Regular, and Circular Code 39 symbols. The following options are available:

Code 11 (USD-8)

The following check digit type options are available for Code 11 (USD-8) symbols:

The Code 11 (USD-8) symbol specification recommends that if the length of the message that is to be encoded is fewer than 10 characters, C can be used. If the message is 10 characters or longer, C+K is used.

Supported Symbologies

This option is available for the following symbologies:

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