Relational Operators

Relational operators define how an action evaluates the contents of a variable to determine whether it should run.

The following relational operators may be available when you are defining the conditions for which you want to run the action.

The operators that are available depend on whether you selected Text or Decimal for the Type option in your conditional statement.





The value in the specified variable must match the entered value.

Does not equal

The value in the specified variable must not match the entered value.

Is greater than

The value in the specified variable must be greater than the entered value.

Is greater than or equal to

The value in the specified variable must be greater than or equal to the entered value.

Is less than

The value in the specified variable must be less than the entered value.

Is less than or equal to

The value in the specified variable must be less than or equal to the entered value.

Is between

The value in the specified variable must be between the two entered values.

Is not between

The value in the specified variable must not be between the two entered values.


The value in the specified variable must contain the entered value.

Does not contain

The value in the specified variable must not contain the entered value.

Begins with

The value in the specified variable must begin with the entered value.

Ends with

The value in the specified variable must end with the entered value.

Is null

The value of the specified variable must be null.

Is not null

The value of the specified variable must not be null.

Is any of

The value in the specified variable must be any of the entered values.

Is none of

The value in the specified variable must not be any of the entered values.

Is blank

The specified variable must not contain any data.

Is not blank

The specified variable must contain data.