ISO/IEC 7811 Identification Cards

Most magnetic cards, including financial transaction cards, conform to the ISO/IEC 7811 standard, which defines the location of the magnetic stripe and the data layout of each track in the magnetic stripe. All three tracks are available for data input.

The following tracks are available.

ClosedTrack 1

Track 1 was developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and is encoded at a recording density of 210 bits per inch. It contains up to 79 alphanumeric characters, including the primary account number, the name of the account holder, the expiration date, and/or the account verification codes.

According to ISO specifications, the data format for track 1 is as follows.



Start Sentinel

One character in length; typically, this is the percent (%) character

Format Code

Alphabetic character that describes the format of the track

Primary Account Number

Maximum of 19 characters; typically, this matches the card number that is printed on the front of the card

Field Separator

One character in length; typically, this is the caret (^) character


Maximum of 26 alphanumeric characters

Field Separator


Additional Data

Typically, this contains the expiration date (four characters in YYMM format) and/or the service code (three characters)

Discretionary Data

Typically, this contains the PIN Verification Key Indicator (PVKI), the PIN Verification Value (PVV), the Card Verification Value (CVV), and/or the Card Validation Code (CVC)

End Sentinel

One character in length; typically, this is the question mark (?) character

Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC)

One character in length, calculated from the other data on the track; this is used to verify the contents of the information that is contained in the track

ClosedTrack 2

Track 2 was developed by the American Bankers Association (ABA) for online financial transactions and is encoded at a recording density of 75 bits per inch. It contains up to 37 numeric characters, including the primary account number, the expiration date, and/or the account verification codes.

Track 2 also accepts the following characters:

According to ISO specifications, the data format for track 2 is as follows.



Start Sentinel

One character in length; typically, this is the semicolon (;) character

Primary Account Number

Maximum of 19 characters; typically, this matches the card number that is printed on the front of the card

Field Separator

One character in length; typically, this is the equal sign (=) character

Additional Data

Typically, this contains the expiration date (four characters in YYMM format) and/or the service code (three characters)

Discretionary Data

Typically, this contains the PIN Verification Key Indicator (PVKI), the PIN Verification Value (PVV), the Card Verification Value (CVV), and/or the Card Validation Code (CVC)

End Sentinel

One character in length; typically, this is the question mark (?) character

Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC)

One character in length, calculated from the other data on the track; this is used to verify the contents of the information that is contained in the track

ClosedTrack 3

Track 3 is used less often than tracks 1 or 2. It was developed by the thrift industry and is encoded at a recording density of 210 bits per inch. It contains up to 104 numeric characters, including the primary account number, the security data, and/or additional account information.

Track 3 also accepts the following characters:

According to ISO specifications, the data format for track 3 is as follows.



Start Sentinel

One character in length; typically, this is the semicolon (;) character

Format Code

Two digits that describe the format of the track

Primary Account Number

Maximum of 19 characters; typically, this matches the card number that is printed on the front of the card

Field Separator

One character in length; typically, this is the equal sign (=) character

Use and Security Data

Includes the Country Code (optional), Currency Code, Currency Exponent, Amount Authorized per Cycle, Amount Remaining this Cycle, Cycle Begin (Validity Date), Cycle Length, Retry Count, PIN Control Parameters (optional), Interchange Controls, PAN Service Restriction, SAN-1 Service Restriction, SAN-2 Service Restriction, Expiration Date (optional), Card Sequence Number, and/or Card Security Number (optional)

Additional Data

Includes the First Subsidiary Account Number (optional), Secondary Subsidiary Account Number (optional), Relay Marker, Cryptographic Check Digits (optional), and/or Discretionary Data

End Sentinel

One character in length; typically, this is the question mark (?) character

Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC)

One character in length, calculated from the other data on the track; this is used to verify the contents of the information that is contained in the track

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