Supplemental Options Dialog

When paperback books and magazines are barcoded using the UPC or EAN symbologies, the main UPC/EAN symbol is often followed by a shorter 2-digit or 5-digit supplemental code to the right of the main code. Most of the characteristics of this supplemental barcode (e.g., density, height, position) match the characteristics of the main UPC/EAN code that precedes it.

You can also create supplemental barcodes by selecting "EAN/JAN/UPC 2-digit Supplemental" or "EAN/JAN/UPC 5-digit Supplemental" from the Symbology option's dropdown list. However, supplementals created using the Symbology option must be formatted just like any other barcode on the template. You cannot use the Supplemental Options dialog to specify their appearance and BarTender will not automatically place them in the correct position.

The Supplemental Options dialog, accessible via the Supplemental button on the Symbology and Size property page, allows you to easily add a supplemental barcode to a UPC or EAN barcode already on the template. The most important specifications for the supplemental will automatically be based on the specifications of the corresponding UPC or EAN barcode.

For more information, refer to Specifying Supplementals.

Supported Symbologies

This option is available for the following symbologies: