Assignment Operators

Assignment operators define the criteria that the filter uses to search a field in a database for specific values. Each condition statement in a filter must contain one assignment operator.

The following assignment operators are available when creating custom filters.




The value in the specified field must match the entered value.

Does not equal

The value in the specified field must not match the entered value.

Is like

The value in the specified field must be similar to the entered value. Allows the percent sign (%) wildcard character.

Is not like

The value in the specified field must not be similar to the entered value. Allows the percent sign (%) wildcard character.

Is greater than

The value in the specified field must be greater than the entered value.

Is greater than or equal to

The value in the specified field must be greater than or equal to the entered value.

Is less than

The value in the specified field must be less than the entered value.

Is less than or equal to

The value in the specified field must be less than or equal to the entered value.

Is null

The value of the specified field must be null.

Is not null

The value of the specified field must not be null.

Is blank

The specified field must not contain any data.

Is not blank

The specified field must contain data.