Customizing the Message Output Table

The message output table displays the messages that are associated with your process files. You can customize the table to change column widths, sort by ascending or descending order, or filter the rows to show only the messages that you want to see. In most cases, you can also group messages together and choose what columns you want to display to make your messages easier to find and manage.

The customization options that are available depend on the user interface context. Therefore, some options may be unavailable for the table that you want to customize.

ClosedTo change column width

Use one of the following methods:

ClosedTo sort the rows by ascending or descending order

Use one of the following methods:

To clear the sorting, use the secondary mouse button to click a column header that was previously sorted, and then click Clear Sorting.

ClosedTo filter the messages that are displayed

If there are many messages in the output table, you may want to filter the list to display only the messages that you are interested in viewing. You can filter by a specific value in a column by clicking the filter editor icon () in the column header that you want to filter by and then selecting the filter criteria from the list of valid values that is displayed.  

To clear a filter, click in the column header that was previously filtered, and then click Show all. Alternatively, use the secondary mouse button to click anywhere in the column header that was previously filtered, and then click Clear Filter.

ClosedTo group messages by columns

You can group the messages by a particular column or by more than one column.

For example, you might want to group the messages in the Message History table by the action they are associated with. To do this, use the secondary mouse button to click the header of the column that you want to group by (in this example, Action Name), and then click Group By This Column. The message output display changes to show the message groups, listed by action name. Click to expand the group to view the individual messages.

To group the messages by more than one column, use the secondary mouse button to click the header of the next column that you want to group by. For example, after you group by Action Name, you might want to group by message timestamp. To do this, use the secondary mouse button to click the Message Timestamp column header, and then click Group By This Column. The message output display changes to show the message groups, listed by timestamp under each action name.

You can group by any number of columns.

ClosedTo undo the grouping

  1. Use the secondary mouse button to click any column header, and then click Show Group Panel. The panel appears above the column headers and displays the column headers that are being used to group by.

  2. Use the secondary mouse button to click the column header whose grouping you want to undo, and then click Ungroup. The grouping is undone, and the group panel remains.

ClosedTo use the group panel

The group panel displays the message groups that you have configured in the order in which you configured them.

To show the group panel, use the secondary mouse button to click any column header, and then click Show Group Panel. The panel appears above the column header row. To hide the group panel, use the secondary mouse button to click any column header, and then click Hide Group Panel.

To add groups to the group panel, use one of the following methods: 

When you have added one or more groups to the group panel, you can perform the following operations: 

ClosedTo choose the columns to display

You can add or remove columns from the table and groups from the group panel by using the Column Chooser feature. To access this feature, use the secondary mouse button to click any column header or group, and then click Show Column Chooser.

To add a column or group, click the column header that you want in the Column Chooser window, and then drag it to the column header row or group panel. Use the white arrows that appear to position the column or group where you want it to appear.

To remove a column or group, click the column header or group that you want to remove, and then drag it into the Column Chooser window.

To close the Column Chooser window, click , or use the secondary mouse button to click any column header and then click Hide Column Chooser.