More View Options Menu

The More View Options menu provides visual options available to Print Station users, including icon style and size, and a full screen setting.

The More View Options menu options are summarized below:

Icons: Displays a thumbnail image and the file name of each BarTender document or command file found in the monitored directory. If a thumbnail image cannot be generated, the file type’s icon is displayed instead.

Details: Displays a small thumbnail image and the file name for each BarTender document or command file found in the monitored directory. If comments have been saved with the BarTender document, they will be displayed under the file name. For BarTender command files and documents without comments, the file type, date modified, and file size are displayed. If a thumbnail cannot be generated, the file type’s icon is displayed instead.

Extra Large Tiles: Displays each file as an extra large icon.

Large Tiles: Displays each file as a large icon.

Medium Tiles: Displays each file as a medium-sized icon.

Small Tiles: Displays each file as a small-sized icon.

Show Document Extensions: Displays file extensions for all documents.

Full Screen: Expands Print Station to fill the screen. In touch-screen environments, this is the ideal setting.

Exit Full Screen: Exits full screen mode. Available only after Full Screen mode has been enabled.

To enter Full Screen mode while Print Station is running, press F11 on your keyboard. To exit Full Screen mode, press Esc.