Root Folders Property Page

Use the Root Folders property page to specify the folders that are available in Print Portal to print BarTender documents from. A root folder is a directory folder that contains one or more BarTender documents and/or contains one or more sub-folders that contain BarTender documents. You can specify any number of root folders.

To access the Root Folders property page, click Root Folders in the left navigation pane of the Administrative Setup page.

The following settings are available.

Root Folders Pane

The Root Folders pane lists the root folders that are currently defined for Print Portal. Select a root folder to edit its properties in the Source Folder section. Use the toolbar below the Root Folders pane to manage your root folders.

The following options are available:

Adds a new root folder to the Root Folders pane. After you add the folder, you can update its Source Folder and Visibility property settings. For more information, refer to Creating Root Folders.

Removes the selected root folder from the list.

Removes the selected root folder from the list and places a copy of it on the Clipboard.

Copies the selected root folder to the Clipboard.

Pastes a copy of the root folder that is stored on the Clipboard into the root folder list.

Moves the selected root folder up one position in the list.

Moves the selected root folder down one position in the list.

The order in which the root folders are specified in the list determines the order in which they appear in the Print Portal user interface.

Source Folder


Print Portal authentication must be enabled to limit folder visibility. For more information, refer to Enabling Print Portal Authentication.