File History Pane

The File History pane displays the revisions of a selected file and a list of actions that were made during each revision. A revision is any change to the contents of a file. Therefore, whenever you edit a file and check it into the repository, Librarian marks the file as a new revision. An action is any change made to the status of the file. The File History pane displays the actions that were performed on each revision of a file, such as rename, delete, or check out. Click to view the actions that were performed on a revision. Click to hide the actions.

By using the File History pane, you can open file revisions, revert to previous revisions, add or edit revision comments, and change the workflow states of a revision.

The file path to the selected item in the repository is displayed at the top of the File History pane. By using the file path, you can easily open files in the Open dialog and connect to linked images.

You can click View Comments to view or hide any comments that appear in the File History pane.

Available Fields

When you save a new revision of a file to the repository, Librarian stores information about the revision as fields in the BarTender System Database. You can view this information by adding or removing columns in the File History pane.

The following information is displayed in the File History pane.




The time of a change, displayed in long date format.


The action that was performed.


The user who performed an action.


The document's revision numbers. Click to expand a revision number and see the versions of the document that are saved under it.


The state of the file when an action was performed.


The computer that was used when an action was performed.

Context Menu

The context menu contains controls that you can use to modify the changes that are displayed in the File History pane, as follows: