Schedule Property Page |
Use the Schedule property page to configure the following properties for your integration.
Run Actions: Specifies how often you want the integration to run the actions. Date and time options vary by recurrence type.
Once: Specifies that the actions run only one time, either immediately or at the specified date and time.
Daily: Specifies that the actions run one time each day, at the specified time.
Weekly: Specifies that the actions run on the specified day of the week and time, at the specified weekly recurrence.
Monthly: Specifies that the actions run each month at the specified time on the specified day of the month, for the selected months. Alternatively, they run each month at the specified time on a selected weekday.
Recur every: Specifies that after the Integration Service starts its actions, the actions run at the specified frequency over the indicated duration.
Stop all running actions at end of duration: Specifies that the actions stop running at the end of the duration time span.