Selected Inventory Event Details Pane

The Selected Inventory Event Details pane, which you can access by selecting a filter in the Printer Maestro: Inventory Events view of the View Selector pane, displays a detailed report about the inventory event message that is selected in the Printer Maestro: Inventory Events pane.

ClosedUsing the Toolbar

The selected inventory event details toolbar, which is located at the top of the pane, includes options that you can use to copy or print the contents of the report.

  Copies the contents of the report and places it on the Clipboard.

  Opens the Preview dialog, which you can use to edit and print the contents of the report.

ClosedViewing the Report

The Inventory Event Overview area displays a complete report of the selected inventory event, including summary information and details about the inventory item that is associated with the event. The report contains the following sections.


Message: Displays the contents of the message that is associated with the inventory event.

Event Time: Displays the date and time when the inventory event occurred.

Event Time (UTC): Displays the date and time when the inventory event occurred in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Computer: Displays the name of the computer on which the inventory event was generated.

User: Displays the name of the user who generated the inventory event.

Severity: Displays the severity level of the inventory event (error, warning, or information).

Total Stock: Displays the total item quantity in all locations.

Item Properties

Type: Displays the type of inventory item that generated the event.

Description: Displays the custom description that was entered for the inventory item that generated the event.

Part Number: Displays the part number of the inventory item that generated the event.

Notes: Displays all user-defined notes for the inventory item that generated the event.

ClosedHiding the Pane

You can hide the Selected Inventory Event Details pane by using one of the following methods:

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