Design View

The Design view displays the details of the fields in the selected table and their properties. You can display it at any time by clicking the Design View tab at the bottom of the Data Builder window.

This view includes the following panes, which you can use to configure the properties for the table fields and to create validation rules.

ClosedTables Pane

The Tables pane lists all the tables in the database. Click a table to view its fields in the fields pane. To add or remove a table, click Add Table or Remove Table on the Home tab.

When you use the secondary mouse button to click an existing table, the following options are available:

ClosedFields Pane

The fields pane displays the name, data type, and description of the selected table's fields. You can click a field name to rename the field, click a data type to change a field's data type, or click in a description cell to add a description or to edit an existing description for a field. Alternatively, you can click anywhere in a field's row to select the field and view and configure its properties in the Field Properties pane.

When you use the secondary mouse button to click a field, a context menu is displayed that provides options to delete the selected field or make it a primary key.

ClosedField Properties Pane

The Field Properties pane displays the properties for each field in the selected table. You can edit these properties, create or edit a validation rule, and create a validation error message. When you click a property, a description appears in the right side of the pane.

Depending on the data type of the selected field, the following options are available: