Value Response Tag (SubString)


Returns the value of a data source.



Where Value is the data source's contents.


Multi line text will be displayed using the XML escape string "&#13;" to create line breaks.

Because BTXML inherits the restrictions of XML, only the following control characters are supported:

&#09; — horizontal tab (TAB)
&#10; — line feed (LF)
&#13; — carriage return (CR)

The data source values can be any value including white spaces and the character codes 1 to 31. The BTXML parser is configured to preserve whitespace and to interpret character codes 0 through 31.

ClosedParent Tag



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

<Response Version="2.0" Name="09232006_103601_Job1" ID="123" AppName="BarTender" AppVersion="9.00" AppVersionId="900" AppVersionMajor="9" AppVersionMinor="00" AppVersionBuild="2345" AppInstancePid="12345" AppInstanceGUID="(5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819)">



<Command Name="Cmd1">

<Print GUID="{C87068F8-4972-41F1-A6E8-724381703764}" JobName="MCIJob" ID="1234" JobLastStatus="Sent" JobCompleted="true">

<JobStatus Completed="true">







<Pages TotalLabels="2" TotalPages="2" MediaHandling="true">

<Page PrintedPageNumber="2" TotalPages="2" Status="Printed" MediaHandlingAction="Pause">

<Label Position="1">

<Object Name="Text 1" Type="Text">

<SubString Position="1" ShareName="Sub-String 1" Type="Screen Data">

<Value>John Doe</Value>


<SubString Position="2" ShareName="Sub-String 2" Type="Date">




<Object Name="RFID 1" Type="RFID">

<SubString Position="1" ShareName="RFIDCode" Type="Database">





<Label Position="2">

<Object Name="Text 1" Type="Text">

<SubString Position="1" ShareName="Sub-String 1" Type="Screen Data">

<Value>John Doe</Value>


<SubString Position="2" ShareName="Sub-String 2" Type="Date">




<Object Name="RFID 1" Type="RFID">

<SubString Position="1" ShareName="RFIDCode" Type="Database">








<Message ID="1606" GUID="{8A8E8550-C822-4e84-8713-212793DFD6E1}" Severity="Information" Category="Miscellaneous" Response="OK">

<Text>BarTender successfully sent the print job to the spooler.

Job Name: MyJobName

BarTender Document: Document1.btw

Printer: Datamax H-4212 7.1.4 </Text>






BTXML Script version 2.0 (BarTender 9.0 and higher)