User Permissions Page

Use this page, which you can access from the Security node of Administration Console, to define the permissions that users and groups have and to limit access to certain actions for applications within the BarTender Suite. The User Permissions page includes the following panes.

Users and Groups

The Users and Groups pane lists all users and groups that are added to the BarTender security setup and to which you can assign permissions.

After you enable the BarTender security settings, any Windows user or group that is not defined in the User Permissions page is automatically denied access to all actions within the BarTender Suite.


The Permissions pane lists the applications in your BarTender Suite and the actions that can be restricted for each application. For each action, you can specify either Allow or Deny for the user or group that is currently selected in the Users and Groups pane. If you do not specify either Allow or Deny, permissions are inherited from the user's group membership. If a user is not a member of a group, then the absence of a specification is equivalent to the Deny option being specified.

For more information about how the Allow and Deny settings control permissions and how inherited permissions affect an individual user's permissions, refer to Defining User Permissions.

The actions that you can secure for each application are as follows.

ClosedAdministration Console




Start the application.

Administer Cloud Storage

Add or delete cloud storage locations in the Integrations section of Administration Console.

Administer Integrations

Manage integrations from the Integrations section of Administration Console, including: stop and start integrations; deploy integrations; edit scheduled integrations; and create, edit, and submit deployment plans.

To deploy integration files from Integration Builder, users must have Administer Integrations enabled in addition to the appropriate Integration Builder permissions.

Administer Security

Set security settings for other users and groups.

Administer System Database

Change options in System Database Setup.





Start the application.


Use all the features of the BarTender Administer menu.

Modify Database Setup

Open and change the options in the setup of a local database.

Modify Global Data Fields

Modify the contents of global data fields that are stored within the BarTender System Database. For more information, refer to Using Global Data Fields

Modify Page Setup

Open and change the options in the Page Setup dialog.

Modify Print Dialog Options

Open and change the options in the Print dialog. If users are denied this permission but have the ability to print, they can open the Print dialog and print without changing any options.

Modify Templates

Edit the template design. If a user does not have this permission, a padlock is shown in the design area, and the user cannot modify any object on the template.

Print Published Documents

Print documents that are stored as published files in Librarian. A file is considered "published" when both of the following conditions are true:

  • The file is not currently checked out of Librarian.

  • The file either is in a state where the current open revision is marked "published" or does not have an assigned state.

Print Unpublished Documents

Print documents that are unpublished. A file is considered "unpublished" when one of the following conditions is true:

  • The file is stored outside of Librarian.

  • The file is stored in Librarian, and the currently open revision is set to an unpublished state.

  • The file is stored in Librarian and is currently checked out for editing.

Run BTXML Script

Run a BTXML script through the command line, through an integration, or through an ActiveX control.

Run Published Process Files

Run and print BarTender process files (*.btproc) that are stored as published files in Librarian. A file is considered "published" when both of the following conditions are true:

  • The file is not currently checked out of Librarian.

  • The file either is in a state where the current open revision is marked "published" or does not have an assigned state.

Run Unpublished Process Files

Run and print BarTender process files (*.btproc) that are unpublished. A file is considered "unpublished" when one of the following conditions is true:

  • The file is stored outside of Librarian.

  • The file is stored in Librarian, and the currently open revision is set to an unpublished state.

  • The file is stored in Librarian and is currently checked out for editing.

Save Copy of Document

Save a copy of the document by using the Save As command in the File menu.

Save Document

Save changes that are made to a document. Users who have the ability to modify the template should have this permission in order to save their changes.

If a document contains data sources that are serialized, this permission must be enabled in order to save the new serialized value.

Set Document Passwords

Set and change the password of the document.

ClosedBarTender Data Builder




Start the application.


Reserved for future use.

ClosedBarTender Licensing Wizard




Start the application.


Activate or deactivate the software license.

ClosedBarTender Print Portal




Start the application.


Open the Administrative Setup page.

You must enable Print Portal authentication before the permissions that are specified in Administration Console can be enforced. For more information about Print Portal authentication, refer to the Print Portal help system.

ClosedHistory Explorer




Start the application.


Reserved for future use.

Export View

Export the data that is available in the current view.


Reprint print jobs that are stored in the BarTender System Database.

ClosedIntegration Builder




Start the application.

Deploy Integration Files on Production Servers

Deploy integration files on your production servers.

Deploy Published Integration Files

Deploy integration files (from either Integration Builder or Administration Console) that are stored as published files in Librarian. A file is considered "published" when both of the following conditions are true:

  • The file is not currently checked out of Librarian.

  • The file either is in a state where the current open revision is marked "published" or does not have an assigned state.

Users can deploy published integration files only when both the Deploy Published Integration Files permission and the Administration Console Administer Integrations permission are enabled.

Deploy Unpublished Integration Files

Deploy integration files that are unpublished (from either Integration Builder or Administration Console). A file is considered "unpublished" when one of the following conditions is true:

  • The file is stored outside of Librarian.

  • The file is stored in Librarian, and the currently open revision is set to an unpublished state.

  • The file is stored in Librarian and is currently checked out for editing.

Users can deploy unpublished integration files only when both the Deploy Unpublished Integration Files permission and the Administration Console Administer Integrations permission are enabled.





Start the application.


Use all the options on the Administer menu.

Edit Existing Comments

Edit existing comments in a file or revision in Librarian.

Edit Files

Add files, check in and check out files, add comments to files and revisions, and open and roll back revisions within the Librarian repository.

Full File Control

All actions in the Edit Files permission and move, rename, delete, and restore files within the Librarian repository.

Open Published Files

Open files whose state is marked "published."

ClosedLibrarian: File States

When you define file states in Librarian, the Electronic Signatures page contains an additional permissions section that is called Librarian: File States. By using these permissions, you can regulate whether a user or group has access to change a file to each of the states that are defined in the Librarian Workflow Setup dialog. Each defined file state is listed in the Librarian: File States section of the Electronic Signatures page.

ClosedPrint Station




Start the application.


Configure settings in the Administrative Setup dialog and create or modify an administration password.

Exit Full Screen

Return Print Station to a normal window size from full screen mode.

ClosedPrinter Maestro




Start the application.


Use all the options on the Administer menu.

Modify Inventory Items

Add or modify inventory items.

Modify Item Usage in Printer

Place an item in a printer, remove an item from a printer, or modify the properties of an item after it is placed in a printer.

Modify Storeroom Stock Levels

Modify the stock of inventory items and receive or use inventory items.


Reprint print jobs.

ClosedProcess Builder




Start the application.


Reserved for future use.

ClosedReprint Console




Start the application.


Reserved for future use.

Export View

Export the data that is available in the current view.


Reprint print jobs that are stored in the BarTender System Database.

ClosedSystem Database Setup




Start the application.


Change options in System Database Setup. A user who has the Run permission but not the Administer permission can view the current settings but cannot change them.


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