Error Correction Percentage (Aztec Code)

The Aztec Code symbology supports 98 levels of error correction, with 1% being the least thorough and 99% being the most. The percentages refer to the percent of characters in the data layers of the barcode that are check digits, although you will always get three additional check digits above the percentage level you set. Moreover, if the last data layer is not completely filled, additional check digits are automatically created to ensure that the barcode is a perfect square.

The Aztec Code specification recommends against using levels below 5% or above 95%.

Automatic Determination of Correction Level

The default error correction for Aztec Code is "Auto." This means that the correction will be 23% check digits, plus three check digits, plus any additional check digits needed to fill out the last data layer.

If you will be using the Aztec Code symbology in a closed system (that is, you control both the printing and the scanning of the symbol) and you have a high degree of confidence in your printing and reading capabilities, you may be able to successfully reduce the printed size of your symbols by manually specifying a relatively low correction level (as an alternative to "Auto"). On the other hand, if your print quality is questionable, your barcodes are subject to damaging conditions in the field, or you know that a wide variety of scanning equipment may be used by different people, you may wish to manually specify a higher correction value, even though it will result in a larger printed symbol.

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