Data Source Wizard

The Data Source wizard automatically sets up the symbology's individual fields or sections as separate data sources. Each data source that you create in BarTender is correctly formatted with settings, such as data validation or number of allowable characters, that help the raw data conform to the symbology's specifications.

All newly generated data sources can be edited even though they are generated to conform as much as possible to the symbology's specifications.

When you use the Data Source wizard for a barcode, any data sources that were previously defined for the barcode are deleted.

The following options are available.

Data Source

Required Primary Message Fields(Available only for the MaxiCode symbology.)

These codes are required when you use MaxiCode. To access these fields, set the Mode option to Structured Carrier Message: 2.

Optional Secondary Message Fields (Available only for the MaxiCode symbology.)

When Mode is set to Structured Carrier Message: 2 or Structured Carrier Message: 3, you can add optional fields as data sources to your MaxiCode barcode. To insert a field, click to select the check box for the field that you want to include.

Supported Symbologies