Using On-Screen Editing

When you configure data sources for a text object, you can use on-screen editing to add, change, delete, and format characters of an Embedded Data data source directly on the template, without needing to open any dialogs or property pages.

ClosedTo add or replace text in an Embedded Data data source

  1. Click within the text object's Embedded Data data source at the point where you want to add text. Alternatively, select the existing characters of the embedded data that you want to replace.

  2. Enter the characters that you want to add to the Embedded Data data source.

When you previously saved content to the Clipboard by copying or cutting text, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V to insert the Clipboard contents into the data source.

ClosedTo cut, copy, paste, and delete embedded data

  1. Select the characters from the Embedded Data data source that you want to cut, copy, or delete.

  2. Use the secondary mouse button to click the selected content, and then click the action that you want on the context menu.

  3. Use the secondary mouse button to click within the Embedded Data data source where you want to add cut or copied text, and then click Paste. Alternatively, select the characters of the embedded data that you want to replace with the cut or copied characters, use the secondary mouse button to click the selected content, and then click Paste.

To cut, copy, and paste Embedded Data data source characters, use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V, respectively. To delete the selected characters, press Delete on your keyboard.

ClosedTo edit the text format or font style of embedded data

  1. Select the embedded data characters that you want to format.

  2. On the text toolbar, click the text format or font style that you want.

Alternatively, you can use the secondary mouse button to click the selected content and then click Font on the context menu to open the Fonts dialog. By using the Fonts dialog, you can specify all of the same format options that are available on the Font property page.