BTXML Script Commands

The following BTXML script commands are supported. For more information about how to use and format BTXML scripts, refer to Automation with BarTender XML Script.


Runs a BTXML script, where <xml_script> can be either a BTXML file name or raw BTXML script text.

When you specify BTXML files, multiple /XMLScript command line switches can be specified, as follows.

When you use raw BTXML script text, only a single /XMLScript parameter is supported. This parameter must be inside double quotation marks, and it must be the last parameter on the command line, as follows.


Runs BTXML script that is contained in the file that is located at the specified path.

/XMLScriptFile was deprecated as of BarTender 9.10. This command line parameter is accepted; however, we recommend that you use the replacement command line parameter instead: /XMLScript.


Causes the deletion of all BTXML script files that are specified by the /XMLScript or /XMLScriptFile command after the BTXML script runs.

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