Repositioning Panes

You can customize the position of many of the panes in the Reprint Console window to meet your needs.

ClosedTo reposition panes

  1. Drag the title bar of the pane that you want out of its current positions. As you move the pane, the repositioning icon appears at the center of the window.

  2. Point to one of the arrows on the repositioning icon, and then drop the title bar. The pane is docked to the location that is specified by the icon and indicated by shading. For example, when you drag a pane to the right arrow of the repositioning icon, the pane is docked on the right side of the window.

    To turn the pane into a floating pane, drop it away from the icon. You can place a floating pane outside of the Reprint Console window.

When you exit Reprint Console, the application saves the position of the panes so that the next time that you open Reprint Console, the panes appear in the same position that they were in when you exited the previous session.