Using the Print Portal Interface

Print Portal displays the root folders that have been specified by your system administrator on the Root Folders property page. These root folders are simply directory folders that contain BarTender documents, including any subfolders that contain additional BarTender documents. The Print Portal interface displays these folders, subfolders and documents, allowing you to navigate to and print a desired document.

The Print Portal interface is composed of the following elements:

ClosedFolder Navigator

The folder navigator is located on the left side of the Print Portal interface. Using the folder navigator, you can browse through the document folders and sub-folders that have been configured for Print Portal to display. The appearance of the folders in the folder navigator, and whether the folder navigator is visible at all, is controlled by your system administrator using configuration settings on the General property page.

For more information on using the folder navigator, refer to Finding a Document.

ClosedDocument Browser

The document browser, to the right of the folder navigator, allows you to navigate through the BarTender documents within the folder or sub-folder currently selected in the folder navigator. You can configure the appearance of the document thumbnails displayed in the document browser, and specify whether or not the thumbnails include details about the documents, using the View Options menu. Additional configuration options for the appearance and function of the document browser can be specified by your system administrator on the General property page.

Print Portal displays only those documents that you have permission to read. If a desired document is not displayed and it exists at the specified folder location, contact your system administrator to verify that you have been given the required permissions to read the document.


The Search box allows you to search for files or folders in the folder currently selected in the folder navigator. To begin searching, click inside the search box and begin typing a folder or document name or keyword. Search results are displayed in the document browser and are filtered further as you continue to enter text into the search box.

For more information on using Search, refer to Finding a Document.

ClosedView Options

Access the View Options menu by clicking on the Print Portal interface. Using the options provided, you can specify the style and size of document thumbnails, whether or not document extensions are displayed, and the language you want Print Portal to use.

The following options are available:

ClosedAdministrative Options

The Administrative Options menu, accessible by clicking on the Print Portal interface, provides the following options: