Using the Printer Maestro Interface

To start Printer Maestro, use one of the following methods:

The Printer Maestro user interface consists of the main window and its panes and their toolbars, which you can use to view and organize printer, inventory, and print job information and event messages.

The status bar at the bottom of the Printer Maestro window displays information about the status of Printer Maestro and the hardware on your network. This information might include the number of printers, computers, or active print jobs that are detected.

You can use the status bar to view the number of error messages and/or information messages that occurred on any of the computers or printers that are currently detected by Printer Maestro. To view more specific information, double-click the icon to display the pane that contains detailed information about the print job, event message, or computer.

The status bar also displays the last event that was recorded in the Printer Maestro database.

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