Grouping Data

For all panes except the Information pane, you can group records by one or more column headers by using the Group By options. Some grouping options are predefined, and some are customizable.

When you use the User Defined option (which is available for all panes except the Inventory pane), you can use the Group By box to customize the grouping. The Group By box appears as a gray area at the top of the pane that displays "Drag a column header here to group by that column" text. When you add column headers to the Group By box, Printer Maestro groups the displayed records according to the data in the specified columns. The column header groups are arranged hierarchically in the order in which you added them.

ClosedTo add, change, or remove a predefined grouping

ClosedTo add, change, or remove a custom grouping

  1. Show the Group By box. To do this, right-click the pane's title bar or in a blank area of the pane, point to Group By, and then click User Defined.

  2. Add groups to the Group By box. To do this, use one of the following methods: 

After you add one or more groups to the Group By box, you can perform the following operations: