Filter Editor Dialog

Use the Filter Editor dialog to create a custom filter by using a complex expression that has one or more conditional statements. To open the Filter Editor dialog, right-click a column header, and then click Filter Editor. Not available for all column headers.

ClosedTo create a filter by using conditional statements

  1. In the filter design area, click And, and then select the conditional joiner that you want for the filter. For more information about conditional joiners, refer to the Conditional Joiners Reference topic in the BarTender help system.

  2. Click to create a new filter condition.

  3. Click the [column] item to select a field to add to your filter. By default, the column from which you opened the dialog is selected.

  4. Click [Begins with] to select the conditional operator that you want to use. "Begins with" is the default operator for new conditions.

  5. Click <enter a value> to enter the value that you want the condition to evaluate.

  6. Click to add another filter condition as needed. You can remove a filter condition by clicking .

  7. Click Apply to apply your filter and see the results. Alternatively, click OK to apply your changes and close the dialog.

    For more information about conditional statements, refer to the Building Conditional Expressions topic in the BarTender help system.