Filtering Data by Date and Time

By specifying a time span or a start and end date and time, you can limit the amount of data that is displayed in History Explorer. Additionally, by using date and time filters, you can easily locate specific records based on when the entry was recorded to the BarTender System Database.

History Explorer provides two ways to filter the data in the BarTender System Database by date and time: by using the Time Span control on the active view or by customizing the Custom Filter controls.

ClosedTo define a date and time filter by using the Time Span control

  1. Open the view that you want by using the View Selector pane, and then click the filter that you want to use. For example, to return all BarTender print jobs, click All BarTender Jobs under BarTender: Print Jobs in the View Selector pane.

  2. Next to the search toolbar, click the Time Span list to display a list of predefined time filters, and then select the time filter that you want. The following options are available:

    • All: Returns all print jobs.

    • Last 24 Hours: Returns all print jobs within the last 24 hours.

    • Last 7 Days: Returns all print jobs within the past week.

    • Last 30 Days: Returns all print jobs within the past month.

ClosedTo define a date and time filter by using the Custom Filter controls

  1. In the View Selector, click the view that you want, and then click Custom.

  2. In the View list, select the type of records that you want to return.

  3. In the Time Span list, do one of the following to select the time span filter that you want:

    • Select one of the predefined time span filters.

    • Specify a custom time period. To do this, select Custom, and then enter the start date and time in the Between field and the end date and time in the And field.

  4. Click Apply Filter to return all matching database records.

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