表格屬性頁面 |
You can limit the size of the table object. To do this, you can manually specify the width and height dimensions that you want for the object, or you can specify that the dimensions are calculated automatically within maximum and minimum dimension values that you can configure.
Automatically calculate width: Specifies that the width for the object is calculated automatically.
寬度: Specifies the width for the object. Available when Automatically calculate width is not selected.
最小寬度: 指定物件的最小寬度。Available when Automatically calculate width is selected.
最大寬度: 指定物件的最大寬度。Available when Automatically calculate width is selected.
Automatically calculate height: Specifies that the height for the object is calculated automatically.
高度: Specifies the height for the object. Available when Automatically calculate height is not selected.
最小高度: 指定物件的最小高度。Available when Automatically calculate height is selected.
最大高度: 指定物件的最大高度。Available when Automatically calculate height is selected.
沒有框線時顯示格線: 指定如果已關閉框線,則在範本設計視圖中顯示格線。將不列印這些格線,並且僅在設計視圖中顯示這些格線。
僅在選取時顯示格線: 指定僅當範本中已選取物件時才顯示格線。