PHARMA-CODE - One-Track, also known as the standard PHARMA-CODE, is a 1D symbology used in the packaging of pharmaceutical products. It is designed to be read by a barcode reader despite any printing errors that may occur. For this reason, additional color bars may be added to ensure the readability of the barcode.

PHARMA-CODE is a trademark of Laetus GmbH.

ClosedThe Character Set

This symbology supports the numeric characters 0 through 9.

ClosedThe Symbology Structure

Unlike other 1D symbologies, PHARMA-CODE encodes its data in binary format, rather than decimal. This results in two sizes of bars: narrow and wide. The contents of a single PHARMA-CODE barcode must be an integer between 3 and 131070, inclusively. Because of this, the length of a PHARMA-CODE can range between 2 and 16 bars.

ClosedColor Bars

PHARMA-CODE allows one or more optional color bars to be added to the barcode. These bars do not contain any data, but instead are used to validate the barcode. Certain barcode scanners can be configured to identify a specific color. When the color is scanned, it is checked against a list of allowable colors deeming it legible.

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