Height |
This option is not available if the selected symbology has a symbology-specific option for Row Height, including 2D Row Height and/or 1D Row Height. |
The Height option on the Symbology and Size property page enables you to specify the length of the bars in a barcode from the top edge to the bottom edge. 最も縦長のバーコードのバーの長さは、ページの高さより長くすることはできず、最も高さが低いバーコードのバーの長さは .001 インチ以上である必要があります。
To change the height of a barcode by using the mouse
To change the height of a barcode by using the Symbology and Size property page
ペン型スキャナのような接触式スキャナを使用している場合は、極端に短いバーコードを指定しないでください。 Barcodes that have very short bars are difficult to scan with contact scanners because most people cannot hold their hands steadily enough to stay within the boundaries of the barcode throughout the scan. 移動ビームレーザーガンなど非接触式スキャナを使用する場合、このような問題は生じません。 |
When the POSTNET symbology is specified for a barcode, the default value for the Height option is set to 0.125" (one-eighth of an inch) tall. This is the correct height for the tall bars in POSTNET. Modification of this default value is not recommended unless you need to print a larger POSTNET barcode that will then be photo-reduced to the appropriate size.