Number Data Type |
The Number data type formats numerical data according to a specific locale and/or notation.
To format your text as a number
On the Data Type tab, the following options are available for numerical data sources:
Locale: Specifies the language and country of the selected numerical format. In addition to all locales supported by Windows, the following options are available:
Hexadecimal: Converts the specified number to hexadecimal (i.e., the decimal number 1234 is converted to 04D2).
Use lowercase letters: When enabled, displays hexadecimal numbers that include letters in lowercase format.
Minimum length: Specifies the minimum number of digits for the hexadecimal number. Any extra digits will be represented with leading zeroes.
Roman Numerals: Displays the specified number as a roman numerals (i.e., the number 1234 is displayed as MCCXXXIV). The supported range is from 0 to 3999, with zero displayed as "N".
Use lowercase letters: When enabled, displays roman numerals in lowercase format.
Scientific Notation: Displays the specified number in scientific notation (i.e., the number 1234 is displayed as 1.234E+003).
Use lowercase letters: When enabled, displays letters in scientific notation numbers in lowercase format.
Use native numerals: Specifies whether to use Arabic numerals or the native numeric system when using a Locale that supports alternative numeric systems. Available for the following locales: Arabic (Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, U.A.E., Yemen), Assamese (India), Bengali (Bangladesh, India), Dari (Afghanistan), Gujarati (India), Kannada (India), Khmer (Cambodia), Konkani (India), Lao (Lao P.D.R.), Malayalam (India), Marathi (India), Nepali (Nepal), Oriya (India), Pashto (Afghanistan), Persian (Iran), Punjabi (India), Sanskrit (India), Telugu (India), Thai (Thailand), and Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan).
Use digit grouping separator: When enabled, separates the number into groups using a delimiter; this digit is also known as the thousands separator because it separates the number at every third digit, the thousands spot.
Show leading zero: When enabled, displays a zero before a decimal number.
Precision: Specifies a fixed number of digits to follow the decimal mark. Alternatively, the precision can be limited to a maximum number of digits specified by this option.
Negative numbers: Defines the formatting of any negative numbers contained in the data source.