PCM-Objekt |
The PCM object is used to store the contents of a printer code file.
Name |
Beschreibung |
Stellt die aktuelle Ausgabedatei als Eingabedatei für den nächsten Satz von Skriptbefehlen ein. |
Attempts to read a specified number of bytes from the Printer Code Template input file. Returns the number of bytes actually read. |
Returns a line from the Printer Code Template input file. |
Returns a string from the Printer Code Template input file. |
Writes a specified number of bytes to the Printer Code Template output file. |
Writes a line of text to the Printer Code Template output file. |
Writes a string to the Printer Code Template output file. |
Name |
Beschreibung |
Returns the code page in use by the script. The Code Page is derived from the Print System. Schreibgeschützt. |
Returns True or False indicating that the end of the input file has been reached. Schreibgeschützt. |
Sets or returns the offset of the input file pointer. |
Returns the size of the input file in bytes. Schreibgeschützt. |
Sets or returns manual copying of the Byte Order Mark to the output file. |
Sets or returns the section type. |
Returns the Tag with the given name or index. |
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