
The Columns option on the Symbology and Size property page allows you to set the number of columns you want for selected 2D stacked symbologies. The columns you specify represent the amount of data or number of modules that each row of the symbol can contain. This option is available for the following symbologies:


GS1 Composite




In a CODABLOCK F symbol, the encoded data is enclosed inside bars that extend the entire height of the symbol. Each encoded character in this enclosed region is considered a column. In this manner, the number of columns determines the number of alpha characters encoded in each row before starting a new row. The number of columns can be set to between 4 and 62.

Because there is a maximum number of rows for this symbology, decreasing the number of columns can significantly decrease the amount of data that a barcode symbol can contain.

GS1 Composite

The GS1 Composite symbology supports columns when the Type is GS1-128 (CC-C). In this symbol, the 2D component (the upper symbol) is a modified PDF417 symbology, and its columns maintain the same attributes as those noted below for the PDF417 symbology.


The MicroPDF417 symbology supports 1 to 4 columns, each 10 modules wide. Only certain combinations of rows and columns may be used. Therefore, the number of rows available in the Rows option will vary depending on the number of columns selected.

When Columns is set to Auto, BarTender will automatically determine the number of rows and columns needed for the input data.


The PDF417 symbology supports 1 to 30 columns. Each column is 17 modules wide, and consists of 4 bars and 4 spaces that define the fundamental unit of encoded data. Each row consists of a minimum of three columns of information (12 bars and spaces) in the encoded data area: one column of data and one column each on the left and right sides of the symbol containing "indicator code words". An indicator code word contains information that tells the scanner what encoding methods are used to encode the rest of each row of data. The number of columns in the data area is defined using the Columns option on the Symbology and Size property page.

When Columns is set to Auto, BarTender will automatically determine the number of columns needed based on the number of specified rows and the amount of input data.

Reducing the number of columns will increase the number of rows required to encode the same amount of data. Accordingly, although you have the option of reducing the number of columns in order to reduce the width of the PDF417 symbol, doing so will make the symbol proportionally taller. Therefore, when encoding larger amounts of data, a low Columns setting can result in a PDF417 symbol that is too tall to fit on the template.

Supported Symbologies