Working with Printer Drivers

Printer drivers are programs that allow printers and applications to communicate, in the same way that a translator helps two people, who speak different languages, to communicate. The translator takes what the first person says and translates it into a language that the second person can understand.

A printer driver's job is to take the print information, created by Windows applications, and change it into data that the printer can understand. Windows applications create print jobs that are submitted to a standard print interface. (It is easier and cheaper to program to a standard interface than to try to program to each individual printer.) The printer driver takes that standard print interface output and changes it into the language that the printer can understand.

Seagull designs printer drivers to take all of the printers unique features and capabilities and couple them with all of the robust features that BarTender uses to create and print items. The result is a printer driver that takes the print data created by BarTender from the standard interface and sends it to the printer in the most efficient format possible, allowing the printer to quickly take the data and produce the items. Drivers by Seagull also come with a complete help system designed to allow you to configure your printer driver for the best performance possible. Refer to the Printer Driver online help for detailed instructions how to configure your driver.