The User-Defined Model Properties dialog, accessible from the Edit button located on the User-Defined Models tab of the Weighing Scale Setup dialog, contains important information regarding the configuration of the selected user-defined scale model. Using this dialog, you can modify a scale's connection settings or specify the model's supported protocols.
The following tabs are available:
The General tab contains general configuration information about the selected scale model, including the supported protocols. In addition to viewing this information, you can use the General tab to modify the following scale properties:
Protocols Supported by this Scale
Select the protocols that are supported by the user-defined scale model from the list. This list of scale protocols includes all protocols installed with BarTender, as well as any user-defined protocols that were configured using the User-Defined Protocol Properties dialog.
Default Protocol. Specifies the protocol that will be used by default for the user-defined scale model.
New. Opens the User-Defined Protocol Properties dialog, which allows you to define the scale commands for a scale that is not available in BarTender.
Remove. Deletes the selected user-defined protocol from the list of available protocols. Once deleted, the custom protocol will be unavailable for use with any scale models or installed scales on your system.
Edit. Opens the User-Defined Protocol Properties dialog, where you can modify the scale commands for the selected user-defined protocol.
The Connection tab specifies how BarTender initiates and maintains communication with a scale of the specified user-defined model.
Default Connection. Describes how BarTender first attempts to communicate with a scale of the specified model. Available options include Serial Port, where a scale is physically connected to your computer, or TCP/IP Network Port, where a remote or local scale communicates with BarTender via the network.
Default Serial Port Settings
Baud. Also known as "bits per second," sets the speed that data flows from the device to the port. Common values are 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600, with 9600 being the most common default setting.
Data Bits. Defines the number of "bits" used to encode each character sent via the serial port. The most common value is 8.
Parity. Sends an extra bit after the data bits of a character for the purpose of error checking. Common settings are odd, even, and none.
Stop Bits. Sets the length of the pause at the end of a transmitted character. The most common value is 1.
Flow Control. Controls the stopping and restarting of data transmission. Options include "hardware" (also known as RTS/CTS) or "Xon/Xoff" (also known as "software" flow control).
Default TCP/IP Port Settings
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