Corner Options Dialog

Once you have added a rectangle to your template, you can format the corners of the shape. The Shape property page allows you to select the type of corners for your object, as well as the degree of curvature for rounded corners. For more advanced corner options, such as customizing each corner differently, you will need to use the Corner Options dialog, available from the icon next to Corner Type on the Shape property page.

A rounded corner refers to a corner which is arched around a single point. A rectangle with rounded corners is also known as a rounded rectangle.

A beveled corner refers to a sloping corner. Instead of using a right angle, the corner of the rectangle is slanted. A rectangle with beveled corners is also known as an angled rectangle.

A concave corner is an inverted rounded corner. A rectangle with concave corners is also known as a plaque.

An inverted corner shares the same properties as a concave corner with one exception: the inverted corners are at right angles.