How BarTender Processes Path and File Names

When possible, specify complete path and file names in your command line parameters. When you use a file name alone, and/or a file name without an extension, BarTender will use the following rules to find the file:

If no file name extension is specified (and there is no period at the end of the file name), then BarTender will assume that an extension is implied:

To specify a file that has no extension, add a period to the end of the file name when you write the parameter. For example, if you want to use a database file named "addresses", use "D=<pathname>addresses." instead of "D=<pathname>addresses".

If no path is specified, then BarTender will search for the file the following directories, in this order. It will use the first file it finds that matches the specified file name.

  1. The current working directory.

  2. The default location for the type of file as shown here:

  3. The "..." stands in for the full path to the "\My Documents" directory. This path will vary depending on your version of Windows. 

  4. The BarTender installation directory.

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