Editing a Text Object

Advanced text and paragraph formatting, such as adding tab stops, auto-sizing the text box, and changing the text's reading order can be accomplished through the Text Format property page of the Text Properties dialog. If you wish to change the appearance of the characters of the text, you can easily modify the color, typeface, and/or point size using the Font property page and/or BarTender's Word Processor.

If the formatting of the text object does not need to be changed, but you find a need to modify the contents of the object, the procedure will vary based on the type of text object you created:

To modify the contents of a Single Line, Multi-line, or Arc Text Object

  1. From the object's context menu, select Edit.

  2. Enter the desired text.

  3. When complete, click anywhere outside of the text object. Alternatively, press Esc on your keyboard to exit the editing mode.

To modify the contents of a Word Processor Text Object

  1. From the object's context menu, select Edit to open the Word Processor.

  2. Enter the desired text and/or format the text as desired using the Word Processor.

  3. From the menu, select Save and Exit to insert the formatted text into the text object.

To modify the contents of a Markup Language Container

  1. From the object's context menu, select Properties to open the Text Properties dialog.

  2. Select the desired data source from the Navigation Pane.

  3. For Embedded Data, enter the desired markup language code to create the desired text formatting.

  4. Select Close to close the Text Properties dialog and return to the template.