Color Fields

A color field is an area printed with a consistent color surrounding the Data Matrix portion of a 2D-Pharmacode barcode. Many barcode scanners can be configured to accept certain color combinations in order to verify the barcode's data input.

Using the Color Fields symbology option, up to eight color fields can be placed in accordance to the Data Matrix code. When laid out correctly, the barcode symbol can be read and color verified in any given orientation. For color fields to be read correctly, the chosen color must stand out sufficiently against the background color of the symbol.

BarTender supports the use of the following Color Fields configurations:

For each color field in your barcode, you can specify the color using the Field and Color controls. To select a different color, choose the desired color field from the Field dropdown list. Click the Color control and select the desired color from the list of available colors. If the color you wish to use is unavailable, select More Colors to open the Colors dialog, and make your selection from the additional color choices. Alternatively, click on the Custom tab to select a custom color.

For design purposes, multiple color fields may be printed with the same color.

Supported Symbologies