Character Set

The Character Set option will be enabled if you have specified a Symbol Type other than ECC 200 for a Data Matrix barcode. ECC 200 automatically determines the required character set by evaluating your data. Depending on the amount and type of data contained in your barcode, you may achieve the smallest barcode by manually specifying a character set. The following options are available when selecting a character set:

Escape Sequences in the Data

Data Matrix also supports a variety of escape sequences in the data stream. The escape sequences begin with the caret "^". (Use two consecutive carets "^^" to include an actual caret in the data stream.)

When Unacceptable Data Is Received

You should specify the character set which most closely matches your data because it will result in the smallest barcode. However, if your data contains unacceptable characters, your barcode will be displayed on screen with a red "X" in the center (as shown) and will not be printed.

Supported Symbologies